Meanwhile, an anonymously
posted message on pastebin stands as a stark warning that the
greatest threat to Gamergate may yet come from within:
“Just a heads-up guys.
Evidence has come to light suggesting that Internet Aristocrat's wig
is made out of Twine - the same software that Literally Who used to
write Depression Quest. Be aware when talking to IA that you
may be interacting with a hypertext 'choose your own adventure game'
made by someone who has limited programming skills. The only way we
will know for sure whether we are dealing with a human being or a
game is by 'completing' Internet Aristocrat. So stop arguing and get
digging. Put those gaming skills of yours to good use.”
Response to the claim has
been varied with some requesting cheats or walk-throughs for Internet
Aristocrat, or querying whether it is possible to play the game as
Milo in his based form.
Coordinators of
Gamergate's corporate pen-pal scheme have urged supporters of the
movement to carry on emailing advertisers: “Provide them with
interesting details about the town where you live. Tell them what you
are doing at the weekend. Think of it as a cultural exchange.”
Others have advised
caution pending verification of the claim:
“It is a commonly held
view in Gamergate that Internet Aristocrat is merely a vessel for the
thoughts of the wig, which is possessed by the ghosts of Norfolk's
three wisest judges.” said Reddit user Spiderhosiery14.
On the extreme fringes of
Gamergate there have been calls for the “shill hairpiece” to be
clapped in irons and paraded through virtual towns, beginning with
Animal Crossing.
Commenting on the
accusations Internet Aristocrat said:
“My wig is woven from
human hair that I lovingly harvested from the heads and crotches of
the hitch-hikers who inhabit my five chest freezers. To say anything
else is a slur against my good name.”
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